Kulture City: Julian Maha


The quality of our lives and the impact we have is often dictated by how we respond to challenges.  When Julian Maha found out his son had autism he was devastated. Yet, it was in the face of this hardship that he and his wife founded Kulture City, a non-profit looking to create a culture of acceptance and inclusion for all individuals with unique abilities. Kulture City is doing some incredibly impactful work, but they're also shaking up how we think about non-profits all together. The thoughts Julian shares are not just valuable for non-profits, but for all organizations looking to maximize their impact.

How do you know if this episode is for you? Julian teaches us: 

  • How the startup model can be useful in spurring innovation regardless of market sector

  • What it looks like to take massive action after a devastating challenge

  • The ingredients for a great team and how to monopolize your strengths

  • The difference in awareness and acceptance and why the difference is important